Our new shelter is rising from the fire-ravaged ruins of our old building, like an aluminum-sided phoenix!
The phoenix is rising!

Our new shelter is rising from the fire-ravaged ruins of our old building, like an aluminum-sided phoenix!
Today, we took delivery of the new shelter building — our building is coming in the driveway! See the video of the first truck pulling in, with update photos on the Shelter page!
Our building will be delivered in less than 2 weeks. We need you! The interior must be finished: Dog Pens, Cat Condos, Free Roam Cat Room Furnishings, Large Grooming Equipment, and more. Rebuilding costs a lot more than anticipated. It
Sweetpea Update For those who may not know our history, Sweetpea Friends of Rutland Animals, Inc. was founded in 2000 by the then Rutland Animal Control Officer, Richard (Dick) Clark. After rescuing a sick and pregnant dog in Rutland State