Our demolition permit was approved (yay!) and we have started demolition on the fire-damaged animal shelter. This is expected to take a while – but then we can rebuild! The rebuild will be done in phases: as each phase is
Demolition in progress!

Our demolition permit was approved (yay!) and we have started demolition on the fire-damaged animal shelter. This is expected to take a while – but then we can rebuild! The rebuild will be done in phases: as each phase is
Donate your car to the Friendly House Car Donation Program to benefit Sweetpea: See the Friendly House Car Donation ProgramFacebook page for details Or contact program admin via http://www.standardautoinc.com/landing.htm Make sure to specify Sweetpea F.o.R. Animals as the beneficiary of
We are seeking volunteers to join us in our animal rescue, fostering, and rehabilitation work – as well as planning events, and having fun with other Sweetpea volunteers! Please email us at sweetpeafora@verizon.net for more details. Volunteer meetings are held on
See our Happy Tails page for the latest updates from the proud fur-parents of Button Lee, Bella(trix), Molly, Hanna, Roux, Brayden, and Happy! Molly’s cushy life:
Our shelter on the border of Paxton and Rutland, MA caught fire on Sunday 11/22/2015. We lost 17 dogs and 39 cats, who were loved and who were members of our Sweetpea family – we mourn their loss every day. We are